Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sick Baby and a Shadow box

Aubry has been sick the past couple of days. She took some cough medicine tonight when she asked to go to bed at 7:00!!!!!! If you know her at all, you know she must not feel good if she a) asked to go to bed and b) was asleep before 7:30! Not like her at all. Bless her heart...I hope she gets to feeling better because she is going to Toy Story 3 Disney on Ice tomorrow night and Mama needs a happy girl!

I have been obsessed with The Nate Show lately. I DVR it every morning and watch it at night most of the time. He is going to get me in trouble though because he has made me obsessed with redecorating. Since I am trying to redecorate on a budget I am obsessed with Craig...Craigslist. I think Ryan cringes when I mention it. I didn't get this shadow box on Craigslist but I did get a good deal on it and I had been looking for something to put some vintage looking Barbie cards in to put up in Aubs room. This was perfect.

I love it and can't wait to figure out where to put it.

I am still working on the Craigslist dresser but I love how it is turning out. Ryan is supposed to be going to pick up the armoire (don't know if that is spelled right)  I got off of there this week so looks like I will have another project waiting. 


  1. love the barbie cards! I am acutally in the process of redoing Caroline's room and she has requested barbie. I bought an old vintage barbie calender and I plan to use all those pics! :) Your little girls is precious!

  2. Thanks Keri! I love following your blog and your girls are gorgeous!
    I don't know if there is a Marshall's there but they had a ton of vintage Barbie stuff! And the price is great!
